RNIB Redhill

Redhill, Surrey

Nestled into the slopes of the Greensand Valley in Surrey, the calm and serene nature of RNIB Redhill has been a draw for those providing charitable services to society for almost 200 years. In re-imagining the site as a vibrant and integrated community fit for the 21st Century; it has been vital to ensure that residents’ needs are met whilst enhancing the unique landscape environment.

The resulting design creates a positive dialogue between built form and landscape. Contemporary homes cascade and rise with the natural topography, whilst the public realm is designed as an exciting sensory experience for all residents – be they visually impaired or sighted.

  • 6 ha site area, with a mix of open market and specialist housing, plus a new Community Hub facility
  • Rich sensory environment – Sensory trail winds its way through a ‘Learning Landscape’
  • Stepped housing typologies respond to steep topography
  • Series of distinct character areas influenced by natural features
  • Best practice sensory design principles applied to specialist housing and support facilities for RNIB
  • Provision of:
    • 102 dwellings overall
    • 6 Houses and 19 Apartments specially designed for RNIB residents
    • Fully restored and converted Grade II Listed Tudor House as a Community Hub comprising offices, training, café and multi-purpose facilities


World Architecture Festival - Health Future Projects - Finalist