Elstow Garden Villages

Elstow, Bedfordshire

The Wixams is being developed as a sustainable mixed-use new settlement south of Bedford. The core of the development site is Elstow Storage Depot, the 500 acre brownfield site of a former World War II munitions factory.

The overarching concept for this new settlement is a series of four self contained ‘villages’, each with their own local centre, schools, employment, social and community uses. These are linked by linear parks that create a strong sense of place and accommodate water conservation features.

  • Conceived as four self contained linking villages
  • 4,500 homes for a balanced community of some 12,000 people
  • Provision for further planned expansion
  • Employment uses, a town centre, schools and social and community facilities
  • A movement network emphasising walking, cycling and public transport
  • Provision of a new rail station
  • Strong landscape with parks, ecological areas and community woodland
  • High quality urban design embodying energy and water conservation features