The Briars
Harlow, Essex
Our vision for The Briars, Aylets Field and Copshall Close (BAC) estate is to create fantastic new homes and transform the area into a thriving new place where people want to live. The project has been a collaborative process – a joint venture between Countryside and Home Group, who will develop both the private and affordable homes on the land currently owned and managed by Harlow Council.
This scheme replaces bungalows that were constructed in the 1960s as a temporary measure, and are now very much in need of regeneration. It will provide a wide range of new homes in a traditional network of streets, squares and courtyards. The masterplan creates a series of distinctive character areas that each have their own sense of place. This will support a balanced mixed-tenure community and promote a townscape that is inspiring and beautiful, yet functional and safe.
- 343 new dwellings, consisting of: 200 affordable homes & 143 private homes;
- New Community Centre
- New Garden Squares