St. Nicholas House

Sutton, London

Located in the heart of Sutton town-centre, St Nicholas House is allocated for mixed-use development in LB Sutton’s town-centre masterplan. Our design responds to the diverse context and in particular the Grade II* Listed St Nicholas Church to the west. GSA led an extensive consultation process to ensure that the design proposals responded to this complex, urban location.

Two stepped buildings create a central garden, fronting onto a new public square designed to enhance the setting and views towards the church. The buildings create an innovative saw-tooth, tapering floor plan that translates into stepped façades with a strong vertical rhythm. Private amenity space is provided on triangular balconies. This creates dynamic and highly sculptural building forms with a distinctive architectural identity, whilst optimising outlook and aspect for residents.

A strong colonnade and plinth feature wraps around and links the two buildings to create prominent, active frontages onto the new public realm.

  • High-density development within 11 & 18 storey buildings.
  • Mixed-use town-centre regeneration scheme incorporating:
  • 276 homes;
  • 88 homes (32%) will be affordable.
  • The open spaces comprise a new public square, a central raised residents’ garden and upper level communal roof terraces to each building, which in total constitute 50% of the site area.
  • Low carbon and energy-efficient technologies have been employed.