Maidenhead Masterplan

Golf Course, Maidenhead

Our competition proposals focused on delivering a safe, healthy and inclusive new community that responds to the unique characteristics of the site, providing a well-connected, sustainable place to live within a network of high-quality open space. The conceptual framework we developed engendered the following principles:

  • Create a strong sense of place, celebrating the site’s unique assets;
  • Create residential areas with differing characters and densities;
  • Locate open space to provide maximum amenity character and value, whilst retaining high quality existing trees, woodland and enhance biodiversity;
  • Optimise social interaction;
  • Create an efficient and responsive movement network to encourage pedestrian / cycle usage;
  • Create development value through high quality placemaking;
  • Deliver a safe and healthy community which promotes social interaction, and gives access to attractive open space.

Our approach was to develop a rich character area-based placemaking narrative. From the Urban Quarter contemporary apartments offering convenient urban living close to the town centre, through to the green, leafy lanes and meandering drives along the edge of the Woodlands, the masterplan proposals deliver:

  • 2,200 homes, from 1 bed flats to 5 bed houses, across tenures, within varied character areas;
  • 3.5km woodland / green space frontage, making the most of this valuable opportunity;
  • A combined education (primary and secondary schools) and community hub that forms an arrival space and central focus;
  • 20,850sqft of retail and community uses;
  • 10,000sqft health centre.